What can and cannot be patented: Patented Products
In your whole life, you have heard once about
the word ‘patent’ but you will not have full information about it. If a person
has made a new discovery, then he should get his idea or search patented. So that
no person or organization can copy his/her idea or search.
What is Patent?
When a person invents a new idea or a new
discovery he has to get a patent for the right to come to his role. So if any
other person gets his copy then the patent has a right that allows any person
or organization to have complete new security so that no copying is done.
Types of Patent
There are 3 types of patents:
Utility Patents: This protects useful processes, machines, product raw materials,
the composition of anything, or improvement in any of them. For example fiber
optics, computer hardware, medicines, etc.
Design Patents: This prevents new, original, and illegal use of the product. Such
as the design of an athletic shoe, a bike helmet, or a cartoon character, all
designs are patented products that means all have usefulness.
Plant Patent:
Through this, a variety of plants and plants prepared in new ways is protected.
Examples of plant patents are hybrid roses, silver queen corn, and better boy
tomatoes. The thing to note here is that you can file both utility and design
patented products for different aspects of an invention.
To secure a patent, your invention must:
- Before the date of the patent application, a complete the new one has been created anywhere around the world that has never been
publicly available.
- Include something novel and unique that will not be
obvious to anyone with an in-depth knowledge of the field in which it is
- The industry has some applications. It can be used in
some form in an industry, even if it means that it is a piece of complete
equipment, a new material, or a process that improves some industrial
operating methods.
An invention may not get a patent if it is:
- A scientific theory or mathematical method;
- A computer program or method of presenting information;
- An artistic composition such as a literary work, drama
or visual art;
- Discovery of some natural phenomena;
- Plan to do business, play games, or do some other
mental work.
Apart from the above-mentioned factors, it is
also not possible to obtain a patented product for a new medical procedure, the medical or diagnostic method, nor is it possible to patent a new type of plant.
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