How to get intellectual-property protection
How to get intellectual-property protection
Intellectual property represents
intangible ideas and products which come from the creation of the human mind.
IP laws were created to protect these services from others and establish
ownership of one’s ideas.
A new and useful idea is a priceless
asset to own. Your invention can change the course of your own life and also
contribute significantly to that of others. But creating unique products is not
a guarantee for lifelong security. New innovators don’t know the importance of intellectual
property protection, and the
ones who are aware don’t know where to begin.
1. Register
your product:
property protection can be registered or non-registered.
Things like trade secrets are protected through confidentiality. These are the
registered form of IP:
Trademark- is issued to give legitimacy to your claim. It is
a symbol, name or words which are associated with your product. Moreover, it
allows the owner to have sole custody and prevent others to use the trademarked
service. However, it does not stop others to sell the same product under a
different name. The “R” symbol can only be used after the product has been
registered at USPTO’s office.
can only be granted by the authority of the nation to an individual. This grant
allows the inventor to have exclusive rights over his design for a given time
(20 years). Patents give bragging rights to the owner and encourage research
and development. USPTO has the sole responsibility to grant patents.
Copyright- a form of intellectual property protection for
artistic, literary, music, visual and other creative works. The owner can stop
others from performing, using or copying the work without his
2. Privacy
When you get a patent you need to
have a list of people who know about your invention. If you have a lot of
employees under you, remember to keep it insecurity. Don’t forget to keep a
check whether the people are viewing it appropriately and get a non-disclosure
agreement with them, Intellectual
property protection is made to make sure that no one steals your idea, but
it is your responsibility to stop it from happening before you get a patent.
Coca-colas formula is famously not patented but kept a secret to not disclose
the recipe of their products. This is another way of avoiding theft of
Check the market
It is necessary to consult a lawyer
before building your brand. It can cost you thousands of dollars if you are
infringing on someone else’s work without knowing. Application for is not
cheap, and you get your ownership status after a long time. If during that
time, you begin a PR marketing about your brand, it will be a waste of money
and time for something that you can’t use. You have worked hard to bring you
innovative ideas into reality and it’s safer to do your research before
investing more.
After you have a patent, pay
attention to the market for other similar ideas. Use internet searches about
upcoming projects in your field and keep an eye out for industries and their
work, words and aesthetic. However, if you do find a product infringing on your
patent, you can file a lawsuit or send a warning letter to the infringer.
Expert advice
Getting professional help who is
experienced in handling patent products can save you a lot of time and effort.
You should find one who will give the best advice without being rough on the
pocketbook. Patent Services USA is a leading company in intellectual property protection among other things. Their team of
trained individual help in application and reaching out to potential buyers.
Furthermore, they counsel you about intellectual property protection
related to your company for future investors.
Keep a record
To avoid infringement and protect
yourself from loss. You must record the progress of your product at regular
intervals, from the concept, formation of ideas, no of meetings, list of people
who know and changed made along with the date. These documents not only help in
getting a patent but also work as strong evidence as to ownership of your
6. International
If you wish to introduce your ideas
in other countries of the world, you will need to get Intellectual property protection there. USPTO has several ways and
treaties to make it easier for the inventors. You can register your patent with
one application around the world, keeping in consideration each country’s
rules. Some countries grant Intellectual property protection
before your invention is public or very soon after.
On the other hand, several countries
who have agreements with the US will accept your patent. You will need to check
the list which has ties with USPTO.
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